Community of Practice
The EMPOWER CoP brings together senior leaders from a diverse group of organisations, including (industry, academia, the public sector and society) to work collectively to co-create a Data Governance Roadmap for Ireland with concrete recommendations and actions that will directly contribute to ensuring Ireland is a world leader in the data economy.
The Data Governance Roadmap for Ireland is a crucial component related not only to achieving the objectives of recent government strategies such as the National AI Strategy (2020) and the Open Data Strategy (2023) but will also contribute to reducing the risk of further high profile data breaches experienced in Ireland in recent years in both private and public sectors. This roadmap will be based on four key pillars; leadership, technology, policy and skills and will have strong alignment with the various Acts and regulations coming from the EU while providing pioneering recommendations on how Ireland can drive international innovation in data governance. This in turn helps safeguard the data of Irish citizens while also attracting future FDI.
There are three Specialist Working Groups in the CoP that are co-led by researchers and practitioners:
Open Data/ Data Sharing
Prof. Dave Lewis (Adapt)
Mr. Declan Deasy
Data Value
Katherine Cooney (DMI)
Daragh O’Brien (Castlebridge)
Ms. Marta Janczarski (Microsoft)
Mr. Barry Smith (NSAI)

Data Governance Roadmap for Ireland
Evolving Governance in the Face of Change
Leading responsible governance of data and artificial intelligence, supporting AI, data mastery and leveraging data value as the basis of a sustainable information-enabled and data-informed society through the development of data capabilities, the alignment of data initiatives, and the development and promotion of data literacy, contributing to benefits that span organisations, individuals and wider society